Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pictures in stores

I work at Betsey Johnson at the Galleria Mall and in my store we have pictures, drawn pictures of so called Betsey and or her known signature pictures. I was taking close look at them the other day and notice that they weren't only sexy but implying dirty gestures. Someone the photos have a drawn women covering her chest with her arms saying welcome to the Betsey show, like watch out she might uncover her chest for everyone to see. Why cant the pictures in our store be of women clothed in the dresses we sell or use the photos from runway shoot? Well because Betsey Johnson is known for her crazy and wild ideas and outfit so it only natural for her to have wild crazy and inappriotate picture on the walls. Many mother have said things to the staff about the pictures and how they are kinds rough, and I agree they are but I guess that's ok cause that's what Betsey's all about. Odd I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love that she doesn't follow any rules. She's fabulous and sassy!!!